Adjetivos con Ser

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activos alto bajo
1) activos 2) alto 3) bajo
amable alegre simpática
4) amable 5) alegre 6) simpática
débil celoso cobarde
7) débil 8) celoso 9) 1. miedoso
2. cobarde
buena mala fuerte
10) buena 11) mala 12) fuerte
egoista generoso gracioso
13) egoísta 14) generoso 15) 1. graciosa
2. chistosa
humilde guapa guapo
16) humilde 17) 1. guapa (Mex, Esp)
2. bonita
3. linda
18) guapo (Mex, Esp)
2. lindo
3. bonito
perezoso gordo delgado
19) 1. perezoso
2. flojo (Mex)
20) 1. obeso
2. gordo
21) 1. delgado
2. flaco
musculoso honesta seria
22) musculoso 23) honesta
24) seria
rico pobre  
25) rico 26) pobre  

Notes About Adjectives

Adjectives in Spanish can be masculine or feminine. They agree with the gender of the subject. Nouns ending in -o are generally masculine, and nouns ending in –a are generally feminine.

Mi hermano es rico = my brother is rich.

Mi hermana es rica = my sister is rich.

Some nouns or adjectives, for example nouns or adjectives ending with -e, don't express gender. We indicate the gender with the pronoun, article or adjective.


Ella es pobre = she is poor.

Él es pobre = he is poor.


Ella es estudiante = she is a student.

Él es estudiante = he is a student.

These adjectives are generally used with ser, but you may hear some native speakers use estar to indicate their perception at the moment.


Ella es seria (part of her personality).

Ella está muy seria (she looks serious, she looks upset/mad).

A few adjectives have a different meaning with ser or estar.


Él es rico = he is rich.

El pastel está rico = the cake is delicious.

Vocabulario: Español = English

  1. activos = active (plural, masculine)
  2. alto = tall (singular, masculine)
  3. bajo = short (singular, masculine)
  4. amable = polite, well-mannered
  5. alegre = happy, cheerful
  6. simpática = nice, very likable
  7. débil = weak
  8. celoso = jelous
  9. miedoso, cobarde = scaredy-cat, coward
  10. buena = good
  11. mala = bad
  12. fuerte = strong
  13. egoísta = selfish
  14. generoso = generous
  15. graciosa, chistosa = funny
  16. humilde = humble
  17. guapa, bonita, linda = pretty, good-looking
  18. guapo, bonito, lindo = handsome
  19. perezoso, flojo = lazy
  20. obeso, gordo = obese, fat
  21. delgado, flaco = thin, skinny
  22. musculoso = muscular
  23. honesta = honest
  24. seria = serious
  25. rico = rich
  26. pobre = poor

| Practice the Vocabulary |

I revised the vocabulary with native speakers from México, Argentina, and Spain.

Vocabulary Reviewed By:


Joel Zárate

Laura Mónica Hernández

Dalila Hernández-Ramírez

Gema Jiménez Alarcón


Paloma Marín Arraiza

Aina Rodríguez

Inmaculada Díaz



María Eugenia Pérez

Cintia Zapata

Thank you!

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