Paloma Marín Arraiza

About Paloma

¡Hola! I am Paloma, and I am a Spanish online teacher. I have experience “offline” too, but I feel more comfortable teaching online and making use of all the virtual tools available nowadays. I was born and raised in Southern Spain, but I have lived in Germany (for almost three years), and I am currently living in Brazil.

At the age of thirteen, my passion for foreign languages (and Spanish accents) began and I turn myself into a passionate language learner. English, German, Portuguese and Catalan are the language I have learnt so far, and Basque is the one I am currently learning (who knows what comes next). At one point, I understood the importance of Spanish for the world and decided to prepare myself to teach Spanish (and to evaluate Spanish as a Foreign Language Diploma (DELE)).

After finishing my degree in Physics, I realised what I liked the most was Science Communication. Therefore, I enrolled in a Master’s degree in Scientific Information and Communication, area in which I am currently developing my PhD. During the time in-between these two academic degrees, I worked in Germany in a scientific library. Then I moved to Brazil to continue my studies.

Currently, besides working on my PhD and teaching Spanish online, I am thinking of a ton of projects related to language learning and self-study. I hope I can bring them to light soon. Meanwhile, teaching Spanish online is being probably one of the most amazing and inspirational experience I have ever had, and each student’s positive feedback makes my day.

Would you like to take a Spanish lesson with me?

Click here to visit one the platforms I use to offer private lesson online.

¡Mil gracias!

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